Best Achievements Of Our Family Law Lawyers

The Awards & Recognition Earned By Our Team Of Family Lawyers In Melbourne

Carmel participating in AIFS Conference

June 2024

Valued member of the GLA Team, Carmel, was invited to present at the Australian Institute of Family Studies in June 2024 to share her knowledge about the intricacies and nuances regarding dealing with challenging issues in the Family Law and Mediation arena. Congratulations, Carmel for providing a very insightful seminar.

Carmel participates in National Mediation Conference in Wellington

September 2023

Carmel was invited to share her wealth of knowledge during the National Mediation Conference held in Wellington this month. The purpose of the conference was to assist practitioners to better understand this important aspect of Family Law. Carmel is available to assist with any Family Law enquires.

Carmel Cumberbatch joins the GLA Team

March 2023

We would like to introduce and welcome Carmel to the GLA Team! Carmel has years of knowledge practising in Family Law. She is also an Accredited Mediator whose skills are well sought after. Carmel brings with her a dynamic and sensible approach to Family Law issues , particularly those involving complex issues and relationships.

Family Law Committees

January 2023

Our Ralph Glezer and Angela Guest have continued their involvement in the Family Law community. Angela and Ralph shall continue to serve on the LIV’s Court Practises Committee and Ralph has again been successfully nominated to serve on the LIV's Family Law Executive Committee.

A 10 Year Milestone

December 2022

17 December 2022 marks 10 years since Angela joined the GLA Team. It has been a positive and memorable decade. She has since made her mark through her knowledge of Family law and her ability to provide pragmatic, sensible advice, whilst also being understating of her client’s needs and worries. She continues to be a valuable and appreciated member of GLA.

Angela Guest - Special Counsel

November 2022

In recognition of Angela’s Family Law expertise and her contributions at GLA, she has been provided with the title, Special Counsel. Congratulations Angela!

Family Law Committees

February 2022

Angela Guest and Ralph Glezer will continue to serve on the Court Practise’s Committee convened by the Law Institute of Victoria this year. Ralph shall also be continuing his involvement in the LIV’s Family Law Executive Committee.

Family Law Accreditation

January 2022

Both Ralph Glezer and Angela Guest of our office have successfully had their Family Law Specialist Accreditation renewed by the Law Institute of Victoria.

Ralph Glezer invited to speak on 3AW

September 2021

In a somewhat amusing turn of events, our Ralph Glezer was asked to provide advice on radio station 3AW. After a person had contacted the radio station seeking information on parental consent regarding Covid-19 vaccinations, the host referred to the question being a matter for ‘Ralph the lawyer’ to comment on. Upon being advised of the request, Ralph was happy to be of assistance, phoning in to provide his views on the issue.

Many specific family law issues have arisen as a result of the pandemic. Should you require any assistance, please contact us to discuss your matter with “Ralph the Family Lawyer” or any other members of our legal team.

The Future Amalgamation of Courts

August 2021
The Federal Circuit Court of Australia and the Family Court of Australia will be amalgamating to form the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia from 1 September 2021. This will involve some matters being heard in a different manner. Some changes have also been made to certain requirements relating to pre action procedures, despite resolution and the provision of discovery (the exchange of documents by way of disclosure). If you have queries about how these changes may affect the progression of your family law matter, please contact us to discuss your concerns.

Family Law Update For Melbourne Lockdown

July 2021

Our office continues to provide legal advice in relation to all family law issues during this current lockdown. Measures are in place such that most documents can still be executed without the necessity for face to face contact. We also continue to provide consultations via Zoom and telephone. If issues have arisen in your Family Law matter  as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, there may be fast track court options available to you.

Encouraging Younger Generations To Reach Their Best Potential

June 2021
Angela Guest has been invited to attend a VCE Expo to provide guidance and encouragement to young women in Year 12 who seek to enter the legal profession in Melbourne. GLA acknowledges the importance of providing support to those who wish to pursue a career in law, particularly family law, which is both challenging and fulfilling.  Upon Lockdown ending, Angela looks forward to providing assistance to some possible future lawyers!

25 Year milestone For Our Family Law Lawyer Kylie Howard

May 2021

Congratulations to Kylie Howard who has now been a member of the legal profession for 25 years – a quarter of a century!  Kylie has a wealth of knowledge in all areas of family law, with a particular talent in complex financial matters and Child Support Agreements. Contact us today to get the best advice from our family law attorneys in Melbourne.

45 Year Milestone For One Of Our Family Lawyers

April 2021
This month marks 45 years since our family lawyer Ralph joined the legal profession. During this time, Ralph has earned a reputation for passionately pursuing the best possible result for his client’s. He is well respected by his peers and has made numerous positive contributions to the profession, including via his involvement in various Family Law Committees in Melbourne.

Family Law Committee Appointments

March 2021

Accredited Family Law Specialists, Ralph Glezer and Angela Guest will continue in 2021 to serve on the Law Institute of Victoria’s Family Law Committees. Ralph shall continue his role on the Executive Committee and Court Practises Committee and Angela shall continue serving on the Property and Spousal Maintenance Committee in addition to the Courts Practises Committee.

Family Lawyers in Melbourne Serving on Law Institute Committees

February 2020
Family lawyers at Glezer Lanteri continue to be involved in the Law Institute of Victoria’s Family Law Committee’s for 2020.

Kylie Howard Chairs Family Law Professional Development Seminar

September 2019

We are pleased to announce that Kylie Howard has been selected to chair a Professional Development Seminar on evolving Family Law issues, including Financial Agreements and the use of electronic recordings in Family Law.

Ralph Glezer and Angela Guest – Serving on Law Institute of Victoria’s Family Law Committees

March 2019
Ralph and Angela have both continued their broad involvement in Family Law issues in 2019 by continuing to serve on the LIV’s Family Law Courts Practices Committee. The Committee meets to discuss important issues associated with family law and the court process.

Angela Guest Reaches A 10 Year Milestone

October 2018

Congratulations to our Angela Guest on her legal admission anniversary which marks 10 years since she joined the legal profession. Angela has extensive experience in all aspects of family law, including complex property matters, protracted conflict matters relating to children, and parental alienation.

Kylie Howard to Chair Family Law Seminar

September 2018
Kylie Howard has been invited to chair a Family Law Seminar hosted by the Television Education Network on the important topic of tax and financial issues in Family Law. We commend Kylie for her efforts in assisting in the professional development of family law lawyers. Kylie is well versed in Family Law matters involving complex financial issues.

Glezer Lanteri & Associates Pty Ltd Voted 2018 Family Law Specialists Of The Year By APAC Insider

August 2018

We are pleased to announce that Glezer Lanteri & Associates Pty Ltd has received the Family Law Specialists of the Year Award (Melbourne) from APAC Insider. The award recognises “exceptional work and services undertaken by Asia Pacific’s leading practices and individuals.” Our Melbourne Family & Divorce Lawyers are honoured to receive such an acknowledgement for their contribution to Family Law.

Melbourne Family Lawyer Celebrates 15 Years On Collins Street

April 2018
This month marks 15 years since 139 Collins Street became home for our Family Lawyers in Melbourne. Glezer Lanteri & Associates have been providing the very best divorce and family law advice to our clients since that day from this convenient location. Our offices are easily accessible via train and tram and there is ample car parking near by.

Angela Guest becomes Senior Associate
In recognition of Angela’s service to GLA and her extensive experience in Family Law, she has progressed to the role of Senior Associate. Congratulations, Angela!

Angela Guest Granted Accreditation Of Family Law Specialist By The Law Institute of Victoria

December 2017

Congratulations to Angela for becoming an Accredited Family Law Specialist, with her conferral taking place in December 2017. This is a significant achievement which acknowledges Angela’s commitment to family law in addition to her extensive and specialised expertise in this complicated area. We now have three Accredited Family Law Specialists ready to help you with your divorce or any other family law issues.

Kylie Howard Becomes A Consultant

October 2017
In recognition of Kylie’s extensive knowledge and experience in Family Law, and the contributions that she has made to Glezer Lanteri, she has been provided with the title of Consultant. Congratulations, Kylie.

Encouraging The Next Generation of Lawyers

July 2017
This month, Angela was invited to attend a ‘Leadership Conference’ aimed at VCE students to provide advice and guidance about career options and in particular, about life in the law. At Glezer Lanteri & Associates Family Lawyers, we acknowledge the importance of assisting in the development of young lawyers, and prospective lawyers in a very challenging but rewarding profession.

Ralph Glezer Hosts ‘Old Family Lawyers Biennial Dinner’

June 2017
Well done to Ralph Glezer for organising another successful gathering of the ‘Old Family Lawyers.’ The event brings together long-standing members of the profession, including retired members of the judiciary, the bar and solicitors. An enjoyable night for all and an opportunity to acknowledge those who have made significant contributions to Family Law.

Presentation on Intervention Orders

May 2017
Angela Guest has shared her expert knowledge about Intervention Orders and their relevance to Family Court Proceedings with fellow Family Lawyers from Melbourne via a presentation for the Television Education Network. Angela has extensive experience in dealing with matters involving IVO’s.

Presentation of Case Watch

May 2017
Our Family Lawyer Kylie Howard has presented this month’s Case Watch overview for the Television Education Network. Kylie is a regular presenter due to her extensive and up-to-date knowledge of all aspects in Family Law.

Participation in International Discussion Panel

March 2017
Our family lawyer, Kristy Hams, has been invited to share her experience and expertise in her role as Independent Children’s Lawyer at a discussion panel convened on behalf of the US Special Advisor for Children's Issues). Kristy is honoured to be providing valuable information about Australian Family Law issues to the US Ambassador and her delegation. Based in Melbourne, Kristy is available to provide advice on all aspects of Family law, including complicated children’s issues.

Ralph Glezer presents Family Law talk at charity event

February 2017
Ralph Glezer has shared his knowledge of Family Law with other Melbourne Lawyers in a recent charity event held to raise funds for cancer research. It has been a privilege to contribute to this noble cause which affects so many people.

Angela Guest Completes Masters of Applied Law (Family Law)

November 2016
Congratulations to Angela Guest for completing her Masters of Applied Law (Family Law). The Masters qualification adds to Angela’s wealth of knowledge in all areas of Family Law.

Presentation of Case Watch

November 2016
Angela Guest was invited to present this month’s Case Watch overview for the Television Education Network. Her presentation involved an analysis of recent Family Court decisions, including in relation to appeals, children’s matters and financial issues. Angela is available to provide advice on all aspects of Family Law.

Ralph Glezer and Angela Guest’s involvement in Family Law Court Committee

November 2016
We are pleased to confirm that Ralph Glezer has be re-nominated to serve on the LIV’s Court Practises Committee whilst Angela Guest has been nominated to serve on this committee for the first time. Ralph and Angela are eager to assist in the development of positive court practises.

Annemaree receives 'Women Trail-blazers in Family Law' Award

September 2016
We are very proud to announce that our Annemaree Lanteri has been presented with the Women Trail-Blazers in Family Law. Annemaree has made a significant contribution to Family Law and the legal profession, as acknowledged by her being awarded a membership in the Order of Australia for such contributions. She continues to serve as a mentor to our firm and the profession in general.

20 Year milestone

May 2016
Congratulations to our Kylie Howard on her legal admission anniversary which marks 20 years since she joined the legal profession. What a milestone! Through her career, Kyle has obtained extensive experience in Family Law, including via working in Sydney and Queensland. Kylie is available to provide advice in all aspects of Family law.

LIV Award

May 2016
The Law Institute of Victoria has acknowledged Ralph Glezer’s significant contribution to the legal profession, including Family Law by awarding him a Certificate of Service. The purpose of the LIV Awards is to recognise all those in the profession who go beyond the call of duty in the service they provide to their clients and to the community. Well done, Ralph!

40 Year milestone

April 2016
Congratulations to our Ralph Glezer who as of this month has been a member of the legal profession for 40 years. During this time Ralph has enjoyed in illustrious career and is well respected by his peers. Ralph is well known for his determination to obtain a good result for his clients.

Contribution to the Television Education Network

March 2016
Kristy Hams has been invited to apply her extensive knowledge to present on recent Case Law developments in Family Law. Kristy has an esteemed reputation, particularly for in her contributions as an Independent Children’s Lawyer.

LIV Mentor of the Month

February 2016
This month our Angela Guest was selected as the Law Institute of Victoria Mentor of the Month. Angela continues the long standing tradition of Glezer Lanteri & Associates Family and Divorce Lawyers, contributing to the professional development of lawyers, particularly in the Family Law field. Angela adopts a practical and sensitive approach to both her mentees and clients, in this emotional area of law. Angela is available to provide advice in all aspects of Family Law matters.

GLA receives Leading Family Law and Divorce Firm Award

Nov 2015
We are pleased to announce that Glezer Lanteri and Associates has been listed as a Leading Family Law and Divorce Firm in Melbourne in Doyles Guide to Australian Law Firms. GLA is known for providing practical and exceptional advice in Family Law and continues to actively contribute in progressing the Family Law system.

Ralph Glezer receives Leading Family Law Lawyer Award

Nov 2015
Congratulations to Ralph Glezer who has been listed as a Leading Family Lawyer in Melbourne by Doyles Guide to Australian Law Firms. Ralph continues to make a significant contribution to the field of Family Law including through his role as Chairman of the Law Institute of Victoria’s Family Law Committee. Ralph is available to assist clients in all aspects of Family Law.

Jemma Gray joins the GLA Team

Oct 2015
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Jemma Gray who has joined the GLA Team and will be assisting in administration. Jemma hails from Queensland and is known for her friendly, sunny and helpful disposition. Welcome to the Team, Jemma!

Interview with The Age regarding school selection

Aug 2015
Ralph Glezer has been interviewed in his role as Chairman of Law Institute of Victoria's Family Law Executive Committee to comment on issues associated with separated parents selecting which school their children are to attend. This can be a very contention issue for many separated parents. For the full article, please visit:

Presentation at Monash University

June 2015
Angela Guest has been invited to provide a presentation to Monash Law Students considering entering the legal profession followed by contributing to a Monash University publication about practising in the area of Family Law. At GLA, we believe it is important to encourage the younger generation to pursue their goals and shall continue to assist in the educational development of the profession.

Contribution to the Television Education Network

May 2015
Kylie Howard has been invited by the Television Education Network to discuss recent developments in Family Law. Kylie continues the GLA tradition of being involved in various aspects of professional development for Family Lawyers.

Angela Guest re-appointed as Co-Chair of LIV Committee to assist young suburban lawyers

February 2015
After three consecutive years of being the Victorian Co-Chair of the Law Institute of Victoria’s Committee which assists Regional and Suburban Young Lawyers, Angela has been appointed as Co-Chair of the Southern RSYLC, which aims to provide support specifically to lawyers practising in the southern suburbs of Victoria.

Ralph Glezer appointed as Chairman of the Law Institute of Victoria's Family Law Executive Committee

November 2014
Congratulations to Ralph Glezer who has been successfully voted in by the Family Law Executive Committee to act as its Chairman. Ralph has been a longstanding member of the Committee and over the years has contributed to many LIV Family Law submissions.

Ralph Glezer to continue serving on the Family Law Courts Practises Committee

November 2014
Ralph Glezer has been selected to continue to role in the Law Institute of Victoria’s Family Law Court Practises Committee. The Committee, comprising of esteemed family law practitioner, judges and Registrars meet to discuss issues associated with the Federal Circuit Court and the Family Court of Australia.

Kristy Hams Re-appointed to ICL Panel

November 2014
Kristy has been re-appointed to participate in the Independent Children’s Lawyer Panel. This enables her to represent the interests of children in Family Law proceedings. This is a very important role and ensures that children who are struggling to come to terms with the separation of their parents can feel part of the resolution process and be heard. Kristy has been a strong contributor to the Panel since her original appointment in 2008.


We are very experienced in all aspects of Family Law and give our clients the highest quality advice possible.


Glezer Lanteri & Associates Pty Ltd

is rated 4.6 for client satisfaction by 20 customers.

Glezer Lanteri & Associates Pty Ltd
Level 2, 139 Collins Street

Phone: (03) 9658 7700
Fax: (03) 9658 7701


Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 5PM

We Help Clients Living In:
Melbourne, Melbourne Eastern Suburbs, Melbourne Northern Suburbs, Melbourne Southern Suburbs, Melbourne Western Suburbs, Melbourne South Eastern Suburbs, Melbourne CBD, East Melbourne, Armadale, Collingwood, Fitzroy, South Melbourne, Richmond, Melbourne CBD, Abbotsford, Toorak, Burnley, South Yarra, Hawthorn, Kew, Prahran, Albert Park, Studley Park, Essendon, Moonee Ponds, Brighton, Caulfield, Carlton, Balaclava, Malvern, Kooyong, Canterbury, Windsor, Camberwell, Balwyn, Parkville, West Melbourne, Middle Park, Port Melbourne, Hampton, Elwood, Sandringham.